
Jun 21, 2016

Papapapapine (Ramen)     

Hi everyone!

I found a unique ramen called papapapapine!

One of its ingredients is pineapple which is unusual to use in ramen.

Yes, this is a bowl of ramen with pineapple!

Is it any good???

The soup is salt base and slightly sweet and sour with the sense of pine.

It tastes better than I thought, but I keep wondering why they came up this idea, ramen with pine.

The little memo which is suppose to look like a pineapple says they have pineapple wine.

They opened up a new ramen shop which name is No.81 in Machida.

No 81 means "No pine."
(in Japanese, 8 pronounces "pa," 1 pronounces "in" in this case.)

As you can see, there is no pineapple used in a their new ramen shop.

Thank you for reading!

have a nice week!

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